Many of the challenges society face today are too large or complex to be addressed by a single country or discipline. In 2018, IIASA research looked into numerous issues of global significance spanning topics ranging from food and water security, digitalization, and financial risk, to technological innovations for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Selected highlights
Addressing uncertainty in water management
Reliable access to clean water is a key aspect addressed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A general decision-making framework developed at IIASA to support policy decisions on water resources management, for the first time explicitly takes into account the associated uncertainties.
Supporting sustainable agricultural strategies
Land is an essential element of agriculture, food production, and many other human activities. Tools developed by IIASA and its partners support policymakers in the development of national, regional, and global strategies for food production that ensures the long-term sustainability of land and water resources.
Understanding virtual water trade
It seems like an intuitive solution for water-scarce regions to alleviate water stress by simply importing products that require a lot of water to manufacture. IIASA researchers investigated why real trade patterns do not always support this theory.
Encouraging science-based policymaking in East Africa
A key goal of integrated water resources management is to balance supply and demand for all water users across different economic sectors while safeguarding the environment. IIASA research supports the incorporation of water science into policy, planning, and applied management issues.